Monday, November 14, 2016

When Does it Stop Being Artificial?

Can we build artificial intelligence without losing control over it? Sam Harris tries answering this question in his TED talk presentation. Harris paints a grim future of robots taking over the world. He says in the future we would either stop advancing our computer's hardware and software or create A.I. that will be smarter than we are. Super machine that will think "about a million times faster than the minds that built it".

Machines that can build other machines. Sound familiar? Hollywood have been creating movies based around this for years. Terminator is one of the most popular A.I. apocalyptic movies about A.I. going rogue, taking over the world and destroying humans, showing us what can be our future if we aren't cautious.

Harris then goes into the best case scenario of super A.I. Super machines that works just as we want them to. Machines that will be "labor-saving" and do all jobs. Humans would be free from working. Unemployment will sky rocket. This sounds fantastic, but Harris says there will be wealth inequality. People who create/own these efficient robots will be the only ones profiting and everyone else who is unemployed will not have any money to buy anything. I disagree this will happen. I believe when this happens, world currency would change from money to something different. Or maybe currency will become obsolete all together. Everything will just be free because A.I. will create an abundance supply of life necessities.

Harris offers a interesting and relevant critique of super A.I in his presentation. I do agree that robotics will play a major role in our industrial and civilian future. Checks and balances are as critical to A.I. engineering as many other aspects to life. Too much of any good thing can always be a bad thing.

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